IELTS Prediction 3

Before taking the test, read the following instructions and fill in an identification form afterward.
The test is divided into four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section or part of a section begins with a set of special directions that includes sample questions and answers. It is important to read these directions so you will understand exactly what you are to do before you start to work on the section or part.
Some questions may be harder than others, but try to answer them. If you are not sure of the correct answer to a question, make the best guess you can and go on to the next question. It is your advantage to answer every question, even if you have to guess.
As you are taking the practice test, work rapidly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any single question. You can use scratch paper for taking notes in the listening section, and do not write or make any marks in the test section of your book.

Proceed with the identification form. Input the password given by our Admin. Then, click “Start” button to continue.

If you have any question, please click this link to contact our admin

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Listening Section

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 1–10 

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Enquiry about Joining Youth Council

Name: Roger Brown

Age: 18

Currently staying in a __________ (1) during the week

Postal address: 17, __________ (2) Street, Stamford, Lincs

Postcode: __________ (3)

Occupation: student and part-time job as a __________ (4)

Studying __________ (5) (major subject) and history (minor subject)



Hobbies: does a lot of __________ (6) , and is interested in the __________ (7)

On Youth Council, wants to work with young people who are __________ (8)

Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at __________ (9) pm

Mobile number: __________ (10)


Type answer number 1

2 / 85

Type answer number 2

3 / 85

Type answer number 3

4 / 85

Type answer number 4

5 / 85

Type answer number 5

6 / 85

Type answer number 6

7 / 85

Type answer number 7

8 / 85

Type answer number 8

9 / 85

Type answer number 9

10 / 85

Type answer number 10

11 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 11–15

Choose the correct letter a, b, or c.


11. Dartfield House school used to be

a. A tourist information centre

b. A private home

c. A local council building

12. What is planned with regard to the lower school?

a. All buildings on the main site will be improved

b. The lower school site will be used for new homes

c. Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site

13. The catering has been changed because of

a. Long queuing times

b. Changes to the school timetable

c. Dissatisfaction with the menus

14. Parents are asked to

a. Help their children to decide in advance which serving point to use

b. Make sure their children have enough money for food

c. Advise their children on healthy food diet

15. What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?

a. Food will still be served there

b. Only staff will have access to it

c. Pupils can take their food into it


Type answer number 11

12 / 85

Type answer number 12

13 / 85

Type answer number 13

14 / 85

Type answer number 14

15 / 85

Type answer number 15

16 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio

Questions 16–20

Choose FIVE answers and write the correct letter, A–D, next to questions 16–20



A. Pupils help to plan menus

B. Only vegetarian food

C. Different food every week

D. Daily change in menu

Food available at serving points in Food Hall

1. World Adventures __________

2. Street Life __________

3. Speedy Italian __________

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO optional after-school lessons are new?

A swimming

B piano

C acting

D cycling

E theatre sound and lighting

Type answer number 16

17 / 85

Type answer number 17

18 / 85

Type answer number 18

19 / 85

Type answer number 19

20 / 85

Type answer number 20

21 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 21–24

Choose the correct letter a, b, or c


21. What first inspired Jim to choose this project?

a. Textiles displayed in an exhibition

b. A book about a botanic garden

c. Carpets he saw on a holiday

22. Jim eventually decided to do a practical investigation which involved

a. Using a range of dyes with different fibres

b. Applying different cycles to one type of fibre

c. Testing one dye and a range of fibres

23. When doing his experiments, Jim was surprised by

a. How much natural material was needed to make the dye

b. The fact that dyes were widely available on the internet

c. The time that he had to leave the fabric in the dye

24. What problem did Jim have with using tartrazine as a fabric dye?

a. It caused a slight allergic reaction

b. It was not a permanent dye on cotton

c. It was ineffective when used on nylon



Type answer number 21

22 / 85

Type answer number 22

23 / 85

Type answer number 23

24 / 85

Type answer number 24

25 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio

Questions 25–30

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H, next to Questions 25–30




A It is expensive.

B The colour is too strong.

C The colour is not long-lasting.

D It is very poisonous.

E It can damage the fabric.

F The colour may be unexpected.

G It is unsuitable for some fabrics.

H It is not generally available.



Natural dyes

25. Turmeric __________

26. Beetroot __________

27. Tyrian purple __________

28. Logwood __________

29. Cochineal __________

30. Metal oxide __________



Type answer number 25

26 / 85

Type answer number 26

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Type answer number 27

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Type answer number 28

29 / 85

Type answer number 29

30 / 85

Type answer number 30

31 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 31–40

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer


The effects of environmental change on birds

Mercury (Hg)

– Highly toxic

– Released into the atmosphere from coal

– In water, it may be consumed by fish

– It has also recently been found to affect birds which feed on __________ (31)

Research on effects of mercury on birds

– Claire Varian-Ramos is investigating:

– the effects on birds’ __________ (32) or mental processes, e.g., memory

– the effects on bird song (usually learned from a bird’s __________ (33) )


– songs learned by birds exposed to mercury are less __________ (34)

– this may have a negative effect on birds’ __________ (35)

Lab-based studies:

– allow more __________ (36) for the experimenter

Implications for humans

– Migrating birds such as __________ (37) containing mercury may be eaten by humans

– Mercury also causes problems in learning __________ (38)

– Mercury in a mother’s body from __________ (39) may affect the unborn child

– New regulations for mercury emissions will affect everyone’s energy __________ (40)



Type answer number 31

32 / 85

Type answer number 32

33 / 85

Type answer number 33

34 / 85

Type answer number 34

35 / 85

Type answer number 35

36 / 85

Type answer number 36

37 / 85

Type answer number 37

38 / 85

Type answer number 38

39 / 85

Type answer number 39

40 / 85

Type answer number 40

41 / 85


Questions 1–5

Open the passage through this link

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

__________ (1) is a series of actions leading to torsional oscillation. Various components move back and forth from the force of the __________ (2) eventually, the structure absorbs more __________ (3) than it is able to disperse and the __________ (4) increase in intensity until the structure collapses under the __________ (5).


Type answer number 1

42 / 85

__________ (1) is a series of actions leading to torsional oscillation. Various components move back and forth from the force of the __________ (2) eventually, the structure absorbs more __________ (3) than it is able to disperse and the __________ (4) increase in intensity until the structure collapses under the __________ (5).


Type answer number 2

43 / 85

__________ (1) is a series of actions leading to torsional oscillation. Various components move back and forth from the force of the __________ (2) eventually, the structure absorbs more __________ (3) than it is able to disperse and the __________ (4) increase in intensity until the structure collapses under the __________ (5).


Type answer number 3

44 / 85

__________ (1) is a series of actions leading to torsional oscillation. Various components move back and forth from the force of the __________ (2) eventually, the structure absorbs more __________ (3) than it is able to disperse and the __________ (4) increase in intensity until the structure collapses under the __________ (5).


Type answer number 4

45 / 85

__________ (1) is a series of actions leading to torsional oscillation. Various components move back and forth from the force of the __________ (2) eventually, the structure absorbs more __________ (3) than it is able to disperse and the __________ (4) increase in intensity until the structure collapses under the __________ (5).


Type answer number 5

46 / 85

Questions 6–10

Open the passage through this link

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?



TRUE:            if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE:           if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN:  if there is no information on this


6. International trade is increasing at a greater rate than the world economy.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

47 / 85

7. Cheap labour guarantees effective trade conditions.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

48 / 85

8. Japan imports more meat and steel than France.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

49 / 85

9. Most countries continue to prefer to trade with nearby nations.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

50 / 85

10. Small computer components are manufactured in Germany.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

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Questions 11–15

Open the passage through this link

Choose the correct letter a, b, c, or d

11. When referring to laughter in the first paragraphs, the writer emphasises

a. its impact on language.

b. its function in human culture.

c. its value to scientific research.

d. its universality in animal societies.

12. What does the writer suggest about Charley Douglass?

a. he understood the importance of enjoying humour in a group setting.

b. he believed that TV viewers at home needed to be told when to laugh.

c. he wanted his shows to appeal to audiences across the social spectrum.

d. he preferred shows where audiences were present in the recording studio.

13. What makes the Santa Cruz study particularly significant?

a. the various different types of laughter that were studied

b. the similar results produced by a wide range of cultures

c. the number of different academic disciplines involved

d. the many kinds of people whose laughter was recorded

14. Which of the following happened in the San Diego study?

a. Some participants became very upset.

b. Participants exchanged roles.

c. Participants who had not met before became friends.

d. Some participants were unable to laugh.

15. In the fifth paragraph, what did the results of the San Diego study suggest?

a. It is clear whether a dominant laugh is produced by a high- or low-status person.

b. Low-status individuals in a position of power will still produce submissive laughs.

c. The submissive laughs of low- and high-status individuals are surprisingly similar.

d. High-status individuals can always be identified by their way of laughing.


Type answer number 11

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Type answer number 12

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Type answer number 13

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Type answer number 14

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Type answer number 15

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Questions 16-20

Open the passage through this link

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.


16. In an ideal world, eating would be like __________ .

17. We should not eat unless we are __________ .

18. If we go shopping when we are very hungry we tend to buy items full of __________ .

19. Lahijani’s eating habits during her time as a student were either gorging herself or __________ .

20. Children learn to associate cake with celebration but know that they may be denied it for __________ .


Type answer number 16

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Type answer number 17

58 / 85

Type answer number 18

59 / 85

Type answer number 19

60 / 85

Type answer number 20

61 / 85

Questions 21-25

Open the passage through this link

Answer the following questions in ONE WORD


21. What is the most significant challenge of mountaineering?

22. What do climbers experience when standing on top of a mountain?

23. What can mountaineering provide in addition to adventure and achievement?

24. What main physical attribute is required for mountaineering?

25. What do climbers rely on each other for during mountaineering?


Type answer number 21

62 / 85

Type answer number 22

63 / 85

Type answer number 23

64 / 85

Type answer number 24

65 / 85

Type answer number 25

66 / 85

Questions 26–30

Open the passage through this link

Match each statement with the correct person a, b, c, or d


a. Thomas Savery

b. Thomas Newcomen

c. James Watt

d. Charles A. Parsons

26. His invention was the first to use moving parts.

27. His invention allowed steam power to be converted into electric power.

28. His invention was the single biggest step in development.

29. His invention was a simple solution to an industrial problem.

30. His invention was the first to continuous power source.


Type answer number 26

67 / 85

Type answer number 27

68 / 85

Type answer number 28

69 / 85

Type answer number 29

70 / 85

Type answer number 30

71 / 85

Questions 31–35

Open the passage through this link

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.


I. Early struggle for democracy in Nepal

II. The organisational structure of the Cleaning Office

III. Problems resulting from the absence of elections

IV. The elections of late 1990s

V. The KMC is headed by elected leaders

VI. Democracy going backwards

VII. The establishment of the KMC

31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 31

72 / 85

I. Early struggle for democracy in Nepal

II. The organisational structure of the Cleaning Office

III. Problems resulting from the absence of elections

IV. The elections of late 1990s

V. The KMC is headed by elected leaders

VI. Democracy going backwards

VII. The establishment of the KMC

31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 32

73 / 85

I. Early struggle for democracy in Nepal

II. The organisational structure of the Cleaning Office

III. Problems resulting from the absence of elections

IV. The elections of late 1990s

V. The KMC is headed by elected leaders

VI. Democracy going backwards

VII. The establishment of the KMC

31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 33

74 / 85

I. Early struggle for democracy in Nepal

II. The organisational structure of the Cleaning Office

III. Problems resulting from the absence of elections

IV. The elections of late 1990s

V. The KMC is headed by elected leaders

VI. Democracy going backwards

VII. The establishment of the KMC

31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 34

75 / 85

I. Early struggle for democracy in Nepal

II. The organisational structure of the Cleaning Office

III. Problems resulting from the absence of elections

IV. The elections of late 1990s

V. The KMC is headed by elected leaders

VI. Democracy going backwards

VII. The establishment of the KMC

31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 35

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Questions 36-40

Open the passage through this link

Complete the table. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Type answer number 36

77 / 85

Type answer number 37

78 / 85

Type answer number 38

79 / 85

Type answer number 39

80 / 85

Type answer number 40

81 / 85




In this section, you need to write approximately 150 words. You must write your answers using full sentences. You must not write your answers as notes or bullet points. You must write your answers on the answer sheet.

The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

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In Task 2, you are given a point of view, argument, or problem that you need to discuss. You need to write approximately 250 words. You must write your answers using full sentences. You must not write your answers as notes or bullet points. You must write your answers on the answer sheet.

Obesity is a serious problem. Discuss the causes and the solutions to obesity.

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In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.


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In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.

Part 2

Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education. You should say:

– Where you met them

– What subject they taught

– What was special about them

And explain why this person influenced you so much.

85 / 85

Part 3

In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.
