IELTS Prediction 4

Before taking the test, read the following instructions and fill in an identification form afterward.
The test is divided into four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section or part of a section begins with a set of special directions that includes sample questions and answers. It is important to read these directions so you will understand exactly what you are to do before you start to work on the section or part.
Some questions may be harder than others, but try to answer them. If you are not sure of the correct answer to a question, make the best guess you can and go on to the next question. It is your advantage to answer every question, even if you have to guess.
As you are taking the practice test, work rapidly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any single question. You can use scratch paper for taking notes in the listening section, and do not write or make any marks in the test section of your book.

Proceed with the identification form. Input the password given by our Admin. Then, click “Start” button to continue.

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1 / 85

Listening Section

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 1–10 

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Cycle tour leader: Applicant inquiry

Name: Margaret Smith

About the applicant:

wants a __________ (1) job

will soon start work as a __________ (2)

has led cycle trips in __________ (3)

interested in being a leader of a cycling trip for families

is currently doing voluntary work with members of a __________ (4) club

available for five months from the 1st of __________ (5)

can’t eat __________ (6)

Contact details:

address: 27 __________ (7) Place, Dumfries

postcode: __________ (8)


interview at 2.30 pm on __________ (9)

will plan a short __________ (10) about being a tour guide



Type answer number 1

2 / 85

Type answer number 2

3 / 85

Type answer number 3

4 / 85

Type answer number 4

5 / 85

Type answer number 5

6 / 85

Type answer number 6

7 / 85

Type answer number 7

8 / 85

Type answer number 8

9 / 85

Type answer number 9

10 / 85

Type answer number 10

11 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 11–14

Choose the correct letter a, b, or c



11. Many hotel managers are unaware that their staff often leave because of

a. A lack of training

b. Long hours

c. Low pay

12. What is the impact of high staff turnover on managers?

a. An increased workload

b. Low morale

c. An inability to meet targets

13. What mistake should managers always avoid?

a. Failing to treat staff equally

b. Reorganising shifts without warning

c. Neglecting to have enough staff during busy periods

14. What unexpected benefit did Dunwich Hotel notice after improving staff retention rates?

a. A fall in customer complaints

b. An increase in loyalty club membership

c. A rise in spending per customer



Please type answer number 11

12 / 85

Please type answer number 12

13 / 85

Please type answer number 13

14 / 85

Please type answer number 14

15 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio

Questions 15–20

Write the correct letter A, B, or C next to Questions 15–20



Ways of reducing staff turnover

A improving relationships and teamwork

B offering incentives and financial benefits

C providing career opportunities



15. The Sun Club __________

16. The Portland __________

17. Bluewater Hotels __________

18. Pentlow Hotels __________

19. Green Planet __________

20. The Amesbury __________



Type answer number 15

16 / 85

Type answer number 16

17 / 85

Type answer number 17

18 / 85

Type answer number 18

19 / 85

Type answer number 19

20 / 85

Type answer number 20

21 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 21–26

Choose the correct letter a, b, or c



Labels giving nutritional information on food packaging

21. What was Jack’s attitude to nutritional food labels before this project?

a. He didn’t read everything on them

b. He didn’t think they were important

c. He thought they were too complicated


22. Alice says that before doing this project

a. She was unaware of what certain foods contained

b. She was too lazy to read food labels

c. She was only interested in the number of calories


23. When discussing supermarket brands of pizza, Jack agrees with Alice that

a. The list of ingredients is shocking

b. He will hesitate before buying pizza again

c. The nutritional label is misleading


24. Jack prefers the daily value system to other labelling systems because it is

a. More accessible

b. More logical

c. More comprehensive


25. What surprised both students about one flavour of crisps?

a. The percentage of artificial additives given was incorrect

b. The products did not contain any meat

c. The labels did not list all the ingredients


26. What do the students think about research into the impact of nutritional food labelling?

a. It did not produce clear results

b. It focused on the wrong people

c. It made unrealistic recommendations



Type answer number 21

22 / 85

Type answer number 22

23 / 85

Type answer number 23

24 / 85

Type answer number 24

25 / 85

Type answer number 25

26 / 85

Type answer number 26

27 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio

Questions 27 and 28

Choose TWO letters, A–E.



Which TWO things surprised the students about the traffic-light system for nutritional labels?

A Its widespread use

B The fact that it is voluntary for supermarkets

C How little research was done before its introduction

D Its unpopularity with food manufacturers

E The way that certain colours are used



Questions 29-30

Choose TWO letters, A–E.


Which TWO things are true about the participants in the study on the traffic-light system?

A They had low literacy levels

B They were regular consumers of packaged food

C They were selected randomly

D They were from all socio-economic groups

E They were interviewed face-to-face



Type answer number 27

28 / 85

Type answer number 28

29 / 85

Type answer number 29

30 / 85

Type answer number 30

31 / 85

You can take notes while listening to the audio


Questions 31–40

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.



The Eucalyptus Tree in Australia


it provides __________ (31) and food for a wide range of species

its leaves provide __________ (32) which is used to make a disinfectant

Reasons for present decline in number

A. Diseases

– ‘Mundulla Yellows’


lime used for making __________ (33) was absorbed

trees were unable to take in necessary iron through their roots

-‘Bell-miner Associated Die-back’


__________ (34) feed on eucalyptus leaves

they secrete a substance containing sugar

bell-miner birds are attracted by this and keep away other species

B. Bushfires 

– William Jackson’s theory:

high-frequency bushfires have impact on vegetation, resulting in the growth of __________ (35)

mid-frequency bushfires result in the growth of eucalyptus forests, because they:

make more __________ (36) available to the trees

maintain the quality of the __________ (37)

low-frequency bushfires result in the growth of ‘ __________ ‘ (38) which is:

a __________ (39) ecosystem

an ideal environment for the __________ (40) of the bell-miner



Type answer number 31

32 / 85

Type answer number 32

33 / 85

Type answer number 33

34 / 85

Type answer number 34

35 / 85

Type answer number 35

36 / 85

Type answer number 36

37 / 85

Type answer number 37

38 / 85

Type answer number 38

39 / 85

Type answer number 39

40 / 85

Type answer number 40

41 / 85


Questions 1–5

Open the passage through this link

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.


There are several not particularly __________ (1) theories as to what food might look like in the future, according to several organisations and food futurologists around the world. Morgaine Gaye, a prominent food futurologist, believes that meat is set to all but disappear from our daily diets again due to __________ (2). Professor Harpaz offers the same opinion, contending that __________ (3) will continue to become costlier and costlier. To fill the gap left by meat, he says, we will have no choice but to turn to __________ (4), with “functional foods” that will be aimed at each demographic. The only step we’ll need to take to get there is to manage to decode the __________ (5).


Typer answer number 1

42 / 85

There are several not particularly __________ (1) theories as to what food might look like in the future, according to several organisations and food futurologists around the world. Morgaine Gaye, a prominent food futurologist, believes that meat is set to all but disappear from our daily diets again due to __________ (2). Professor Harpaz offers the same opinion, contending that __________ (3) will continue to become costlier and costlier. To fill the gap left by meat, he says, we will have no choice but to turn to __________ (4), with “functional foods” that will be aimed at each demographic. The only step we’ll need to take to get there is to manage to decode the __________ (5).


Typer answer number 2

43 / 85

There are several not particularly __________ (1) theories as to what food might look like in the future, according to several organisations and food futurologists around the world. Morgaine Gaye, a prominent food futurologist, believes that meat is set to all but disappear from our daily diets again due to __________ (2). Professor Harpaz offers the same opinion, contending that __________ (3) will continue to become costlier and costlier. To fill the gap left by meat, he says, we will have no choice but to turn to __________ (4), with “functional foods” that will be aimed at each demographic. The only step we’ll need to take to get there is to manage to decode the __________ (5).


Typer answer number 3

44 / 85

There are several not particularly __________ (1) theories as to what food might look like in the future, according to several organisations and food futurologists around the world. Morgaine Gaye, a prominent food futurologist, believes that meat is set to all but disappear from our daily diets again due to __________ (2). Professor Harpaz offers the same opinion, contending that __________ (3) will continue to become costlier and costlier. To fill the gap left by meat, he says, we will have no choice but to turn to __________ (4), with “functional foods” that will be aimed at each demographic. The only step we’ll need to take to get there is to manage to decode the __________ (5).


Typer answer number 4

45 / 85

There are several not particularly __________ (1) theories as to what food might look like in the future, according to several organisations and food futurologists around the world. Morgaine Gaye, a prominent food futurologist, believes that meat is set to all but disappear from our daily diets again due to __________ (2). Professor Harpaz offers the same opinion, contending that __________ (3) will continue to become costlier and costlier. To fill the gap left by meat, he says, we will have no choice but to turn to __________ (4), with “functional foods” that will be aimed at each demographic. The only step we’ll need to take to get there is to manage to decode the __________ (5).


Typer answer number 5

46 / 85

Questions 6–10

Open the passage through this link

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?



TRUE:            if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE:           if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN:  if there is no information on this


6. The writer believes that the barcode system will be widely used by the general public.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

47 / 85

7. It is likely that the barcode device will show that many foods and goods have not been correctly described.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

48 / 85

8. Hebert got the idea for DNA barcoding from someone who worked at a supermarket.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

49 / 85

9. The number of organisations supporting Hebert’s barcoding project is growing all the time.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

50 / 85

10. A large number of new bird species have already been identified by the DNA barcode system.

Please write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN

51 / 85

Questions 11–15

Open the passage through this link

Choose the correct letter a, b, c, or d


11. When reporters in New Zealand met Shirase, they were

a. concerned about the quality of his equipment.

b. impressed with the design of his ship.

c. certain he was unaware of the dangers ahead.

d. surprised by the bravery he demonstrated.


12. What are we told about the captain of the Kainan Maru in the fifth paragraph?

a. He had given Shirase some poor advice.

b. His skill at sailing saved the boat and crew.

c. He refused to listen to the warnings of others.

d. He was originally confident they could reach Antarctica.


13. After Shirase finally reached Antarctica he realised that 

a. he was unsure of the direction he should follow.

b. he would have to give up on fulfilling his personal ambition. 

c. he might not have enough food to get to the South Pole.

d. he still wanted to compete in the race against the other teams.


14. What is the writer doing in the seventh paragraph? 

a. criticising a decision concerning scientific research.

b. explaining why a particular mistake had occurred.

c. describing the conditions that the expedition faced. 

d. rejecting the idea that Shirase was poorly prepared. 


15. What is the writer’s main point in the final paragraph? 

a. Considering the problems Shirase had to deal with, his achievement was incredible. 

b. In Japan, the reaction to Shirase’s adventure in Antarctica came as a surprise to him. 

c. It was obvious that Amundsen would receive more attention as an explorer than Shirase. 

d. Shirase had achieved more on the Antarctic expedition than even he had expected


Type answer number 11

52 / 85

Type answer number 12

53 / 85

Type answer number 13

54 / 85

Type answer number 14

55 / 85

Type answer number 15

56 / 85

Questions 16-20

Open the passage through this link

Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the text for each answer.


16. Ordinary Athenian citizens could become leaders in society through selection in a __________ .

57 / 85

17. To be elected to government, you had to have __________ in something, such as commanding an army.

58 / 85

18. To be involved in governing their city was a civic __________ for Athenians.

59 / 85

19. Plato regarded this type of __________ as being without clear organisation and having little control.

60 / 85

20. Modern __________ may not share the same interests as the people they represent.

61 / 85

Questions 21-25

Open the passage through this link

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS


21. How long is the Brooklyn Bridge’s main span?

62 / 85

22. In what year was the design of the Brooklyn Bridge officially approved?

63 / 85

23. What was the cause of John A. Roebling’s death?

64 / 85

24. What was used to fill the caissons once they were deep enough?

65 / 85

25. What was used to protect the Manhattan caisson from fire?

66 / 85

Questions 26–30

Open the passage through this link

Match each statement with the correct person a, b, or c



b. Air New Zealand (ANZ) 

c. British Airways (BA)

26. This airline is one of the largest airlines operating out of Singapore.

27. This airline owns shares in Australian and American airlines.

28. This airline has the youngest origins of the three.

29. This airline had a joint venture with a French airline.

30. This airline is the only one of the three that was not the result of a merger.


Type answer number 26

67 / 85

Type answer number 27

68 / 85

Type answer number 28

69 / 85

Type answer number 29

70 / 85

Type answer number 30

71 / 85

Questions 31–35

Open the passage through this link

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.


I. Effect of city life on mental health

II. Stress reduction in animals

III. Two types of stress

IV. The fallout of cell death

V. The best type of exercise

VI. How stress can be useful

VII. Managing stress in job interviews

VIII. One reason behind bad tempers

IX. Neuron loss in childhood

X. Regrowing the brain with exercise


31. Paragraph A _____

32. Paragraph B _____

33. Paragraph C _____

34. Paragraph D _____

35. Paragraph E _____


Type answer number 31

72 / 85

Type answer number 32

73 / 85

Type answer number 33

74 / 85

Type answer number 34

75 / 85

Type answer number 35

76 / 85

Questions 36-40

Open the passage through this link

Complete the table. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS from the passage for each answer.

Type answer number 36


77 / 85

Type answer number 37

78 / 85

Type answer number 38

79 / 85

Type answer number 39

80 / 85

Type answer number 40

81 / 85



In this section, you need to write approximately 150 words. You must write your answers using full sentences. You must not write your answers as notes or bullet points. You must write your answers on the answer sheet.

The table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


82 / 85


In Task 2, you are given a point of view, argument, or problem that you need to discuss. You need to write approximately 250 words. You must write your answers using full sentences. You must not write your answers as notes or bullet points. You must write your answers on the answer sheet.

Some people believe that money makes life easier and more comfortable. Others think that a large amount of wealth brings more trouble. Do the advantages of having a lot of money outweigh the disadvantages?

83 / 85



In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.

84 / 85


In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.


Part 2

Describe a well-known person that you admire. You should say:

– Who this person is

– What this person has done

– Why this person is well-known

And explain how this person influences you.

85 / 85


In this part, there are several questions from the interviewer. Click ‘Play’ to listen to each speaking question. Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Start the recording at the beginning of the speaking test while you play the audio and answer it subsequently. DO NOT STOP the recording until the speaking is finished. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ IN THE TEXT BOX below.

Your score is

The average score is 5%
