Translation and Editing

We understand that credibility is important for you. We hold the legal standing to provide you with quality translation and editing services for general, business, legal, and academic documents.

Writing Assistance

We can readily organize your ideas with our creative and gold hands. With careful and contextual writing techniques, we highly value unique genres in your texts along with tailoring the wonder of languages you choose.

Language Class

We innovate teaching and learning in a multilingual environment to develop meaningful and rich language learning. We bring transformational methods and materials highlighting the importance of all languages of our learners.

Language Testing

We recognize that the international work demand in the digital age. We provide TOEFL, IELTS, & TOEIC test preparation to help multilingual learners achieve the verbal skills which is useful in communication at the workplace.


Our interpreters act as a bridge between those who do not share a common language. They listen carefully to the speaker’s message in one language and then express the same message in another, ensuring clear and accurate communication between the parties involved.

Research & Publication Assistance

We accompany you to publish your articles in reputable journals/media. With our brilliant management, we can modify strategies to bring high acceptance rate of your manuscripts.

Apostille & Legalization

Our apostille service is backed by a team of seasoned professionals well-versed in the complexities of apostille and document legalization. With our in-depth understanding of the Indonesian legal process, we streamline the process, saving your time and effort and avoiding potential frustrations associated with navigating the bureaucratic system.

Educational Consultation

Our outstanding educational specialist can give the best advice on educational track including scholarships in Indonesia or abroad. We formulate an objective study plan collected with comprehensive authentic and standardized assessments.

Salwa Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten

We recreate teaching visions by implementing multilingual Islamic Montessori curriculum that focuses on STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Writing, Engineering, Art, and Math). We value learning from a socio-cultural approach educating new leaders to be aware of their real-world issues.