TOEFL iBT Prediction 1

Before taking the test, read the following instructions and fill in an identification form afterward.
The test is divided into four sections: listening, structure, and reading. Each section or part of a section begins with a set of special directions that includes sample questions and answers. It is important to read these directions so you will understand exactly what you are to do before you start to work on the section or part.
Some questions may be harder than others, but try to answer them. If you are not sure of the correct answer to a question, make the best guess you can and go on to the next question. It is your advantage to answer every question, even if you have to guess.
As you are taking the practice test, work rapidly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any single question. You can use scratch paper for taking notes in the listening section, and do not write or make any marks in the test section of your book.

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Reading Section

Directions: This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English.


Open the passage for questions number 1-2 through this link

1. According to the paragraph, paleobotanists find answers to evolutionary questions by examining samples and…

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2. What does the author say about transitional species?

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Open the passage for questions number 3-4 through this link


3. The passage supports which of the following claims about equilibrium?

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4. What does the author say about liquid vapor pressure?

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Open the passage for questions number 5-9 through this link


5. According to the paragraph, what is a light-year?

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6. According to the paragraph, which of the following is NOT true about light-years?

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7. The author mentions all of the following EXCEPT

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8. Which of the following can be inferred from the paragraph about light-years?

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9. Why does the author mention that light can be deflected by gravity?

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Open the passage for questions number 10-14 through this link


10. The word “antioxidants” in the passage is closet in meaning to…

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11. In stating that white button mushrooms are “versatile”, the author means that they are…

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12. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the following sentence? “These vitamins are essential for energy metabolism and help maintain healthy skin, nerves, and red blood cells. In addition to vitamins and minerals, white button mushrooms are also rich in antioxidants, such as ergothioneine and glutathione.”

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13. Look at the four letters—(A), (B), (C), and (D)—that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. “When cooking with white button mushrooms, consider slicing them thinly to ensure even cooking.” Where would the sentence best fit?

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14. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. “White button mushrooms are a popular and versatile ingredient that offer a range of health benefits.”


A. White button mushrooms are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help promote overall health and prevent chronic diseases

B. White button mushrooms have a strong and overpowering flavor that doesn’t hold up well in cooking

C. White button mushrooms are high in calories and should be avoided by those looking to lose weight

D. White button mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties and may help regulate blood sugar levels, making them a good food choice for people with diabetes

E. To select and prepare white button mushrooms, look for firm, clean, and white mushrooms, rinse briefly under cold water, and trim the stems before cooking in a variety of ways with seasonings and ingredients of your choice

F. White button mushrooms are only available canned and are not grown worldwide


Write your answers in the box below.
Example: B, C, D

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Open the passage for questions number 15-19 through this link


15. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? “While the very creation of such monoliths – most out of volcanic ash with stone hand chisels – is an impressive feat, what is more remarkable (not to mention mysterious) is how they were transported to their resting places.”

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16. In paragraph 2, what does the author say about past theories of how the moai were transported from quarries to their resting places?

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17. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to…

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18. Why does the author mention “sophisticated computer models” developed by Jo Anne Van Tilburg in paragraph 3?

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19. Examine the four letters—(A), (B), (C), and (D)—in paragraph 3 and indicate at which letter the following sentence could be inserted into the passage, “Her data appeared to demonstrate that an average-sized moai could be moved approximately 10 kilometers in 4.7 days with a team of 70 people.”

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Open the passage for questions number 20-24 through this link


20. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a factor in the development of Cahokia?

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21. The word “ingenuity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to…

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22. The phrase “this problem” in paragraph 3 refers to…

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23. In paragraph 6, why does the author mention the location of the city’s defensive structures?

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24. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. “Cahokia was a large prosperous city in North America that reached its peak between about A.D. 1100 and 1200.”


A. The large construction projects and signs of manufacturing and religious facilities that have been uncovered suggest that Cahokia was a complex and influential society.

B. Scholars in Cahokia may have used symbols recorded on pottery, shells, stones, and other materials to record the city’s history

C. Several factors account for the growth of Cahokia, including its location on a trade route, religious significance, and access to valuable chert

D. As a result of pollution caused by its extremely dense population, Cahokia suffered frequent crop failures

E. It is likely that all of the city’s defensive structures were constructed merely for ceremonial reasons

F. The reason for the decline of Cahokia is unknown, but it may be connected to environmental factors or military conflict


Write your answers in the box below!
Example: A, B, C

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Open the passage for questions number 25-26 through this link


25. According to the paragraph, how were scientists able to find that Earth was impacted by a large meteorite?

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26. What can be inferred from the paragraph related to the location of the meteorite in Mexico?

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Open the passage for questions number 27-31 through this link


27. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2? “By now, their numbers have undoubtedly grown even more, as they have continued to expand into new habitats where they were once either rare or absent, such as sandy prairies, deserts, coastal marshes, and mountains.”

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28. The word “presumably” in the passage is closest in meaning to…

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29. What can be concluded from the discussion in paragraph 5 about coyotes and raccoons in Manitoba?

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30. Look at the four letters—(A), (B), (C), and (D)—that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? “It has been estimated that Germany hosts the largest population of raccoons outside of North America.”

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31. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. “In 1943, raccoon populations in North America began to expand rapidly, probably becoming 15 to 20 times as large by the late 1980s.”

A. Raccoon populations have grown in part because of expansion into new habitats created by the growth of urban and especially suburban areas and perhaps by the spread of agriculture in some regions

B. Raccoons have been deliberately introduced throughout the United States and in other parts of the world, and transplanted individuals are often rapidly able to exploit new environments

C. It is unlikely that raccoon populations will grow in the future at the rate that they have since 1943 because raccoons have now colonized most of the habitats suitable for them

D. Raccoons are native species only from southern Canada through Central America, but in the 20th century they successfully migrated to most other regions of the Western Hemisphere

E. Raccoons became established in Canada when coyotes expanded into their habitats in the United States

F. The elimination of wolves from much of the United States was probably essential to the raccoon’s expansion and numerical increase, and the control of coyotes might also have contributed

Write your answers in the box below!

Example: C, D, E

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Open the passage for questions number 32-36 through this link


32. What does the discussion in paragraph 1 of runoff channels in the southern highlands suggest about Mars?

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33. In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that 105 tons of water flow through the Amazon River per second?

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34. All of the following questions about geological features on Mars are answered in paragraph 3 EXCEPT

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35. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? “But detractors maintain that the terraces could also have been created by geological activity, perhaps related to the geologic forces that depressed the Northern Hemisphere far below the level of the south, in which case they have nothing whatever to do with Martian water.”

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36. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. “There is much debate concerning whether Mars once had water.”

A. Various types of images have been used to demonstrate that most of the Martian surface contains evidence of flowing water

B. The runoff and outflow channels of Mars apparently carried a higher volume of water and formed more extensive networks than do Earth’s river systems

C. Mars’ runoff and outflow channels are large-scale, distinctive features that suggest that large quantities of liquid water once flowed on Mars

D. Although some researchers claim that Mars may once have had oceans, other dispute this, pointing to an absence of evidence or offering alternative interpretations of evidence

E. While numerous gullies have been discovered on Mars since 2000, many astronomers dismiss them as evidence that Mars once had liquid water

F. There is very little evidence of liquid water on Mars today, and it is assumed that all the water that once existed on the planet is frozen beneath its surface

Write your answers in the box below!

Example: A, B, C

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Open the passage for questions number 37-40 through this link


37. The phrase “tentatively identified” is closest in meaning to…

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38. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the following sentence? “Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago.”

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39. Look at the four letters—(A), (B), (C), and (D)—that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage in paragraph 6. Where would the sentence best fit? “This is the criterion emphasized by Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.”

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40. Complete the summary by selecting THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. “Scientists have linked the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous with a meteorite impact on Earth.”

A. Scientists had believed for centuries that meteorite activity influenced evolution on Earth

B. The site of the large meteorite impact at the end of the Cretaceous period was identified in 1990

C. There have also been large meteorite impacts on the surface of the Moon, leaving craters like Tycho

D. An iridium-enriched sediment layer and a large impact crater in the Yucatan provide evidence that a large meteorite struck Earth about 65 million years ago

E. Large meteorite impacts, such as one at the end of the Cretaceous period, can seriously affect climate, ecological niches, plants, and animals

F. Meteorite impacts can be advantageous for some species, which thrive, and disastrous for other species, which become extinct

Write your answers in the box below!

Example: A, B, C

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Directions: This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English.

You should listen to each conversation and lecture only once. After each conversation or lecture, you will answer some questions about it.

You may take notes while you listen. You may use your notes to help you answer the questions. Your notes will not be scored.


Questions 1-5


Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.













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Questions 6-11

Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.

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Audio for questions 12-17

Audio for question 17


Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.

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Audio for questions 18-22

Audio for question 19


Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.

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Audio for questions 23-28

Audio for question 24

Audio for question 26

Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.

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Audio for questions 29-34


Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.


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Questions 35-40


Write your answers in the box below. Mention two letters or more for questions that need more than one answer.

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Directions: This section measures your ability to speak in English about a variety of topics. 



Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ in the box below!


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Please use Online Voice Recorder to record your answer. Then, upload it to our Google Drive folder and name it. Write ‘DONE’ in the box below!

Evening Computer Classes May Be Added

The computer department is considering offering evening classes in the fall. The proposal to add the classes is a response to student complaints that daytime computer classes have become increasingly overcrowded and there are no longer enough computers available. The department has decided that despite some added expense, the most cost-effective way of addressing this problem is by adding computer classes in the evening. It is hoped that this change will decrease the number of students enrolled in day classes and thus guarantee individual access to computers for all students in computer classes.

Listening Audio:


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Directions: This section measures your ability to use writing to communicate in an academic environment.


Give yourself 3 minutes to read the passage. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific points made in the reading passage. Open the passage through this link.

Listening Audio:

You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.


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2. Open the passage through this link
Your professor is teaching a class on computer science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should:

– Express and support your personal opinion

– Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

Listening Audio:

An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
