Ancaman Monolingualisme dalam Pendidikan Multilingual
Menjadi merdeka merupakan impian dari suatu bangsa, termasuk Indonesia. Kemerdekaan yang telah dimaktubkan sejak tahun 1945 itu menjelma menjadi suatu pertahanan kultural dan identitas yang sampai saat ini diperjuangkan di semua ranah, termasuk pendidikan bahasa. Dampak penjajahan telah banyak menguras kepercayaan bangsa terhadap kekuatan budaya dan identitas sendiri. Kalau Amerika sempat mendapat kritik pedas soal…
Pragmatics and Representational Means of English and Indonesian
In pragmatics, both Indonesian and English are seen from how they are used in communication to deal with the speakers’ intentional or unintentional acts and speech at a particular time and place (Korta & Perry, 2020). Indonesian and English have similar pragmatic functions including direct speech act, indirect speech act, performatives, conversational implicatures such as…
Syntax and Semantic Differences between English and Indonesian
The syntax of Indonesian and English word phrases and sentences is similar in order of statements, determiner, passive and active sentences, as well as prepositions (Felt, 2020; Kamayani & Purwarianti, 2011), but not in questions, plural noun forms, and tenses. Both Indonesian and English sentences have the same order that consists at least of subject,…
Morphological Differences between English and Indonesian
Since both Indonesian and English get much influenced by the Latin writing system (Haldeman, 2005), both share similarities in some word formation processes. However, English has some different derivational processes from Indonesian (see Table 1). Latin system in Malay was introduced by Pigafetta (Fachry, 2012). Both English and Indonesian are composed of different parts of…
Phonological Differences between English and Indonesian
English and Indonesian shared some sounds in consonants and vowels, but English has more vowel sounds than Indonesian. English has 44 phonemes in total (24 consonants, 12 vowels, and 8 diphthong phonemes), while Indonesian has only 35 phonemes (24 consonants, 7 vowels, and 4 diphthong phonemes). In Figures 1 and 2, the similarities and differences…
Colonization of English and Indonesian
Historically, before the Dutch came to Indonesia to invade in 1600s due to Indonesia’s rich lucrative spice commodity, the islands, which are now called Indonesia, were occupied by Austronesian people in 4500-6300 BP. The Austronesian people originated from Taiwan and then voyaged to the Philippines, Central, and Eastern Indonesia, and to northern and eastern coastal…